
Synbio designs.

Design encode plasmids, libraries (of plasmids) or combinatorial builds for DNA assembly. They are the design specification used for the assembly step.

class synbio.designs.Combinatorial(records: Iterable[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord] = None, linear: bool = True)

A list of SeqRecords. Find and use all valid combinations.

Structure-wise it’s the same as a Plasmid but multiple assemblies are possible given a single set of SeqRecords. List of SeqRecords in, list of SeqRecords out. Versus List of SeqRecords in one SeqRecord out for a Plasmid design


list of SeqRecord


Whether the SeqRecords of the design are linear

class synbio.designs.CombinatorialBins(bins: Iterable[List[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord]] = None, linear: bool = True)

A list of bins of SeqRecords. All combinations between bins are attempted.


list of SeqRecord bins


Whether the SeqRecords of the design are linear

append(records: Union[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord, List[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord]])

Add the SeqRecords as a bin for combinatorial design


record – the records to add as a bin

class synbio.designs.Plasmid(records: Iterable[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord] = None, linear: bool = True)

Create a plasmid from a list of SeqRecords


SeqRecords to concatenate into a plasmid


Whether the SeqRecords of the design are linear

append(records: Union[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord, List[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord]])

Add the SeqRecord to this plasmid’s list of SeqRecords/fragments


record – the SeqRecord to add to the plasmid specification

class synbio.designs.PlasmidLibrary(sets: Iterable[List[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord]] = None, linear: bool = True)

A list of SeqRecord lists. Each nested list is combined into a Plasmid.


Iterable of SeqRecord sets


Whether the SeqRecords of the design are linear

append(records: Union[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord, List[Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord]])

Add a new set or SeqRecord to the library


records – the records to add as a set